June 15, 2021

A Plea to Fellow Christians

Presidential candidates are selected by the powers that be and "war gamed" before they're ever presented to the public.  The cabal "war games" everything and to think they don't when it comes to elections, is ridiculous.   That's the real election interference if we're being honest.  You cannot rig something that is already rigged. 

I have spent the last 4 years watching well meaning Americans, feeling disenfranchised by their country, plummet down "rabbit holes" provided by "Q drops," bypassing any concerns of controlled opposition in their fall.  I have been watching and questioning the Q narrative since its explosion onto social media around December, 2017.  While the identity of the original author or authors behind “Q” is still unknown, it's pretty obvious, especially now, it's a government ran psychological operation, carried out by disinformation agents.  Our government has been carrying them out across the globe since only God knows when.  I don't buy into some people's narrative that it started out as a joke and turned into what it is.  I personally think agents were planting seeds on imageboard websites to see what would grow and "Q" was cultivated from those seeds.  All of these new "truthers" flooded into the truth community with a premise that theses things "Q" was exposing had never been exposed before, which is total nonsense.  The idea that "Q" uncovered the cabal is laughable when the cabal has been talked and wrote about for eons, literally dating back to antiquity.  When I point this out to people, I get the same tired argument of "Q is waking up the masses, it's the great awakening!"  Any awakening that isn't about Jesus and His truth, isn't a great awakening, but I digress, I'll cover that towards the end of this.

The notion of "good guys" within the government approaching Trump with a plan to expose and do away with the "deep state" screams psyops, yet so many have fallen for it.  For any of that to be rendered true, the "good guys" would have had to ignore Trumps involvement in the cabal itself.   His ties to Epstein, the Clintons, the Rothschilds, Deutsche Bank, Roy Cohn, Les Wexner, and on and on and on, should be a huge red flag for those who claim they are about "truth," but no, most "Q" supporters diminish his involvement, make excuses for, or ignore it all together.  They use the Epstein victims only when it makes the left look bad, totally glossing over Maria Farmers and Virginia Roberts testimony about Donald Trump.  The hypocrisy in that alone makes my heart hurt.  Neither the left nor the right seem to actually care about victims aside from how they can be used against the opposing side.  This link  https://unlimitedhangout.com/epstein/  leads to an extensive research into the people who led up to and later surrounded Epstein, including Trump and his associates.  I have watched anon after anon put out information about freemasonry and its secretive handshakes and then totally gloss over the countless examples of Trump using the same exact handshakes.  He has made dealings in secret with a brotherhood you and I are not a part of, and it's with that brotherhood, his allegiance stands.  When I point out any of the things I have listed above to most "Q" supporters, or even just regular Trump supporters, I am accused of the following: 

*simping for the left

*lacking the necessary intelligence to understand the plan 

*not doing enough research

*doom and gloom

*too young to "get it

*or I am called the most vile names from self professed Christians

Meanwhile, we're well into Biden's Presidency and the majority of "Q" believing Trump supporters are still trusting in a nonexistent plan, pushed by grifters looking for a buck.  It's astonishing.  The same grifters who said without a doubt Trump would still be in office after January 20th,  who have claimed certain people have been arrested and are being held at Gitmo, only to be totally discredited when those people are seen out in public later on.  You are being manipulated!  Not one deep state arrest has occurred.  The cabal has not been defeated.  In fact, we are now "lockstep" on the path created by the cabal, the path of the Great Reset.

It should be obvious what the Trump Presidency achieved for "the agenda" for anyone paying attention.  Donald Trump and his "white supremacist" supporters have provided the excuse for the radical changes were witnessing in real time today.  They're bringing order out of chaos.  They're trying to move us into the fourth industrial revolution and God doesn't factor into their agenda.  We're not in a battle against anything you can physically fight, it's spiritual and it's time for Christians to wake up to that fact.  Pick up your Bibles and read Revelation!  The spirit of anti-christ permeates the globe.  The beast system, the New World Order, is rising.   The assault on the Church has already begun.          

Christians, y'all are looking for a political solution to a spiritual battle.  You're never going to find one.  The only solution in this world is Jesus.   





1 comment:

  1. Wow, you nailed it to some extent. But this web, they've woman can only be cut with spiritual. This is Spiritual warfare, no doubt. I'm seeing many people talk of this.
    Ephesians 6 everyday. God bless you. ✝️🙏❤️


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